According to Ayurveda, there are three forces that direct the formation of your body.  They are called Air, Fire and Water.  Air governs movement, Fire governs metabolism and Water governs structure and fluid balance.

     No one is 100% Air, Fire or Water, because everyone needs movement, digestion & structure to live.  There are many natural tendencies of the three Forces.  Some, listed below are for pure Air, Fire or Water.  You can identify which ones you have and what part of your body exhibits those characteristics.  Take this simple test to determine your Mind/Body type.  These scores will help to identify your Unique Body type.

     Place a “2” beside characteristics that really describe you.  Place a “1” if it kinda describes you.  Leave rest blank.  You can put numbers beside two descriptions on the same line, but that doesn’t happen very much.

     If you are out of balance, that can skew your scores.  Answer the questions according to the natural tendencies you have exhibited most of your life.  Don’t worry.  Follow the plan indicated by the test and it will only bring you back into balance.  Take the test again in a month or so and it will give a better indication of your true Body Type.

Characteristics of the Forces - Their Natural Tendencies







Frame Size


Small frame-can be too tall or too short




Large frame-dense heavy  bones



Very thin-or may be over wt in middle age




Tendency to obesity-gain wt easily and hard to lose it

Veins & Tendons


Both are really visible and really stand out


Both are visible, but not as much as some people you know


Not visible at all

Bones & Joints


Very prominent


Medium prominence, not as much as some people you know


Not visible or prominent



Dry, rough, cracked- especially in winter


Soft, warm & pliable.  Not as wrinkled as some you know


Soft, lustrous and oily



Brownish or olive


Copper, yellowish, reddish or fair


Fair & bright



A few dark moles


Many bluish, red brown moles &/or freckles


No moles









Rough, dry & brittle


medium shape & texture


Thick, wide and rounded



Curly - can be scant


Think silky, red, brownish, early grey or balding


Thick, dark & wavy



Small, narrow, sunken, active, dry eyes with thin lashes & lustreless color


Medium, green, hazel or brown.  Medium lashes


Dense black or blue, large round attractive eyes with thick, lush eyelashes

Cold or Hot Natured


Cold, especially hands & feet in winter


Hot - warm hands & feet


Cold in general

Temperature - bothered by:


Cold & drafts




Cold & damp










Very fast & quick


Intense &



Slow, graceful and relaxed

Strength & Endurance


Little- tire easily







Talk quickly-can have an edge or crack to voice


Intense, precise, sharp speech.  A good orator


Slow &




Interrupted, light sleep- insomnia. 5-6 hours


Uninterrupted, sound sleep

6-8 hours


Long & deep sleep

8-10 hours



Variable - might forget to eat a meal - hungry any time during day or night


Strong appetite. Uncomfortable if meal is even 30 minutes late


Mild - Can skip a meal with no problem

Hot & Spicy Food


Tolerate Ok - you like it but it causes burning sensations


Can’t tolerate it


Love it - Like it hot enough to bring tears







Digestion & Metabolism


Erratic - digest good one day & poorly the next





Bowel Habits


Irregular, gassy, constipated


Very regular - stools can be rather loose


Slow moving, maybe every 2-3 days or longer

Learning Speed and Length of Memory


Learn quickly - forget quickly


Medium speed for both - sharp intellect


Learn slowly, long memory (like an elephant)

Mannerisms & Behavior


Outgoing & enthusiastic


Intense, determined. Type “A” behavior


Very calm, tolerant, even tempered, forgiving & loving

Misc. (may place numbers by all three if appropriate)


Very creative & imaginative


Good organizer, efficient


Pack rat


=Total Air


=Total Fire


=Total Water


Highest number = Primary Body type.            Second highest number = Secondary Body type

Air=Winter Fire=Summer Water=Spring

Based on the scores above, enter your Body Type in these spaces


Primary Body Type

Secondary Body Type







Everyone's body is different, so the steps to create balance and health for each person are different, based on Body Type.

The Health Circle® has systematized these steps so they can be easily learned and used by anyone.